Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 11 of The Master Cleanse

I did an oppsie. I haven't drank the Laxative Tea since last Friday which kind of defeats the purpose of the Cleanse. I'm drinking my cup now and I know my body will love me afterwards. 

I have been more focused then ever with this cleanse! And I am surprised at the amount of energy I have been having! Woot woot!

More and more things are becoming clearer in my life with tunnel vision direction. Anyone who has done the cleanse, knows it's not about the weight loss (even though that is a bonus), but a cleanse of your whole system.

I have decided that I'm going to go back to eating six times a day like I used too when I did Track & Field in High School.

I want my body to look like this chicka (I don't know her name)  
But I know I still have awhile to get there. 

There's a Huge shout out I want to send to the Following people for their support: Karen Leavitt and Stacy & Jason Kennedy. Anything You do in your life, especially when there's a change, it's good to have people supporting you so Seriously Thank You!

Here is an article about the benefits of Cleansing that I have found. 

I will say, I am really looking forward to eating in 10 days! I really just want soup and salad.

Thanks for reading my Blog, until next time Have a FEARLESS DAY!


  1. Thanks Mary-Beth, I'm going to look her up because I have no idea who she is or what she does, I just like her body and thats how I want to look!
